Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Digging your scene

The last few days have been busy, which has been both blessing and curse. I feel a lot less numb, as described in the post below, and am now beginning to feel a faintly euphoric (some might say neurotic) force propelling me forwards. Some of this feeling has to do with my wedding day being less than five weeks away, and some with my growing acceptance of what's happening with my Mum.

Another thing that is pushing me is the letter we received from our allotment association to tell us that our plot is not up to the accepted levels of cultivation. This means that we need to tidy it up, and fast, or they will take it away from us.

Following some intense negotiations over the past week with JJ over whether we shouldn't just admit defeat and give the plot up, we set about doing some serious work yesterday evening. Ninety minutes of intense shearing, hacking and raking later, it's looking much better already, and we are both feeling more positive about what we can achieve. It helps that we picked and ate some of the most delicious french beans we've ever grown yesterday. It is worth it...it's just a lot of work. We have to consider exactly how much time we can commit over the coming weeks and months, and we may still need to consider relinquishing some or all of the plot.

Like most things, a degree of planning is needed. Luckily, planning is what I am good at.

We spent Friday night to Monday morning in Devon catching up with my Mum and the family, and it went well. Mum seems relatively chipper, but she has her moments (don't we all). One regret is that we hadn't timetabled seeing my three great-nephews and I know that they are upset about this. According to Sister #4 one said "they are always too busy these days to see us") . They aren't aware of my Mum's condition: they have an inkling that something isn't right, but they are too young to be told the full story at the moment.

This week and next I am planning to keep things quiet and low-key. I have to start learning to apply make up for the wedding, which is an alarming prospect. I wear the stuff about once a year, and never with much success. So it's going to be a steep (and as I'm discovering, expensive) learning curve.

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