Monday, November 16, 2009

You won't get far in a cable car

Another pause, then a post. I was really hoping to get to write more, but things have been catching up with me.

We've been spending time paring our flat/lives down, walking in Richmond Park, recovering from the working week. Nothing serious, but that doesn't mean things aren't serious. There's a distinct lack of making plans. Something inevitable is coming, and it's approaching at speed, and there is nothing any of us can do to halt it. Things have been bleak, so it's been monumentally hard to be positive.

That being so, I caught up with some saved-up telly over the weekend, most notably the recent documentary that was made about Edwyn Collins and his recovery from a double-brain hemorrhage. This was moving, but not a downer: Grace, Edwyn's missus, claims that she knew that he was beginning to recover when he started being argumentative once more. This sounds familiar.

I also took in a hilarious and coruscating episode of Curb your Enthusiasm that made me cry with laughter. Misanthropic worldviews are always worth a go as far as I'm concerned (especially when they take me out of my own), so I am reading the new James Ellroy and marvelling at the lunacy and sheer scariness of the plot.

Just thought I would leave you with a piece of writing that is close to poetry, courtesy of Charlie Brooker. This made me laugh heartily today, but there's something so utterly mournful about the way it's written, that it makes me want to shed yet another tear.

On 3D television:

...the possibilities are potentially endless. And when they're tired of 3D, they can move on to the fourth dimension, Minkowski spacetime, and broadcast shows in which you stare into the past and future simultaneously, witnessing every moment in history at every location in the universe, bathing your eyes in eternity, entering a state beyond joy or sadness, innocence or wisdom, gradually coming to realise that your soul is woven into the celestial fabric binding everything together, and you experience a sense of love and belonging so profound it resonates through every atom in your being, rippling outward to caress every atom in creation.

At which point your TV cuts to a 3D Morrisons commercial.

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