Sunday, December 18, 2005

The light pours out of me

Soundtrack: Real Life by Magazine

Since we last spoke, I've had a lot of fun.

The work party was surprisingly good for a laugh. As predicted, myself and TheBoy lit up the dancefloor like human flamethrowers with our hilarious camp/ghetto-thrusting antics. The food this year was edible, which beats the previous couple of years. Also, and this is definitely a benefit, I didn't feel like I was in the centre of a horrible atmosphere. Given some of the events of the past few months, that was refreshing.

Saturday was mostly spent trying to shake off a hangover. In the evening I went with JJ to a local venue to see a band called Vincent Vincent and the Villains, whose name sadly makes them sound much more exciting than they actually are. Being sober, I found it rather tedious. Also, we were the oldest punters there by about ten years, which was odd. I felt like we had gatecrashed a Kingston Grammar School disco by accident.

Today we have been to see King Kong. Despite it being over-long, it was a pretty good film all told.

There's always a downside. Despiter feeling much better than I have done recently, I have a hacking cough that I can't get rid of. Bah.


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