Monday, July 04, 2005

Party Fears Two

Before I go any further with his blog, possibly it would be best to explain myself.

I can't give much in the way of specifics, but the first half of this year (from a work point of view) was tricky. In short, it involved quite a serious argument with a colleague. I had considered this person a close friend, but I don't now. As a result of what happened, it's made me aware of whom I want to ally myself with and conversely, keenly aware of the people I don't want to waste time on.

With that in mind, I did a vanishing act from Friday's work do before it descended into the inevitable standing-around-in-a-bar-with-the-usual-suspects thing. As I said to someone this morning, all it would have been was 'same shit, different pub'. Instead of inevitably being party to numerous embarrassing incidents, I had a pleasant half pint with Mrs Green, and then on to the West End where I met Jez for a bit of a chat and some more booze.

That's not to say the work party wasn't any fun at all...I saw some old pals like the (soon-to-be-married!) Pandaman as well as Mr Boyle, and the inestimable Dr Spamela. Old favourites like DL and others made the do pleasant; just not pleasant enough to go on afterwards to watch people I have no fondness for behave like twats.

In other news: Smudge Junior, a boy called Louis, arrived on Friday am. Mum and baby are both doing fine. Very much looking forward to meeting him soon.

Just heard details of Gay Shame from Young Radish. It sounded like a riot. Never mind, we'll be going to the Kate Bush tribute night in October. Only three months to wait.


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