I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth
Just got back from a weekend with the family. I had a pretty good time all told, and caught up with a lot of people. I also visited my Dad's stone up at the cemetery, which I always find a difficult thing to do. Luckily I was in the company of the Greatest Dog in the World (see left), whose persistent excitement about everything in the universe took my mind off things.
At Sister Number 3 and The Last Remaining Brother-in-law's Pearl Wedding anniversary party I heard the song Dance Away by late-period Roxy Music. I was surprised at how poignant the song was. [I'm not even sure what made me remember this and note it here.] It's that line 'You're dressed to kill and guess who's dying?'. It's heinously unfashionable to say that you like Bryan Ferry, I know. But since when did that ever matter to me, eh?
I also helped my Mum run a coffee morning on Saturday. Now I know where my organisational skills come from. At one point I thought that the helpers would outnumber the attendees...however, the total raised was in excess of £400. Jolly good show.
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