Monday, July 11, 2005

Funeral for a friend(ship)

Friday 8th July

In all honesty, we were both overwrought and were not really in a fit state to attend Steve and Rich A’s mum’s funeral. I sat in the church sobbing when I read the order of service. They had put some really great photos of her in it, looking very glamorous (the poor man’s Joan Collins, her husband used to joke). Rich A gave a wonderful tribute that wasn’t too melancholic. Afterwards I had a good old chat to Barbakella’s mum and dad, whom were like a surrogate family to me when I was at university.

We were left with a bitter taste, however. JJ and I have a group of mutual friends. We have outgrown them – we both find them narrow. I walked into a scene in the kitchen where they were joshing with JJ, but I could see by the look on JJ’s face that it had gone well beyond joking. So we got out of there.

I've said this before: I don't want to waste my time on these people anymore. I think JJ may also be coming around to that way of thinking.


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