Thursday, August 14, 2008

Spies like us

I caught parts of an episode of Spooks: Code 9 earlier this week on BBC3.

The regular Spooks series is a guilty pleasure of mine. The pot-boiling plots are mostly ludicrous and stretch credibility to the limit. However, it’s well-executed, well-acted and often funny (sometimes intentionally, sometimes not).

Code 9 is a different animal. It’s set in a dystopian future where London has been destroyed in a terrorist attack. As a result of said attack, the Security Services have moved to Manchester and re-structured. This restructure was for, as far as I can tell, to forbid the inclusion of anyone who isn’t good-looking or over the age of 30. Which is fair enough, in matters of national security, eh.

I didn’t really watch for long enough to a real flavour of the programme. However, the bits I did see were populated with some of the most hilariously clunky dialogue I’ve heard since Rosemary and Thyme (the herb-named gardening-based sleuth series) came off-air. I did have the good fortune to catch this vignette, a mot juste the like of which Flaubert would be screaming from his grave for:

Ballsy, female, black boss (about 29) to young, floppy-haired new field operative team leader (about 19):

‘Listen, I gave you this job because I thought you could do it. Just be confident and get on with it. Here’s a word of warning though: don’t make me look like a dickhead.’

I should say that this is merely an approximation/condensed version of the scene – the one word that was definitely used was dickhead – I was laughing too hard to be able to quote the actual wording with any accuracy. It made me think though: I wonder if the target audience (who I am guessing BBC3 are thinking are good-looking and under 30) was thinking the same as me – that they should have used the c-word and bleeped it out?


At 4:26 pm, Blogger Neil said...

Thought you might be interested in this website we're promoting for the BBC for Spooks Code 9

Put your face into a video clip and star in a mini Spooks episode...

At 4:57 pm, Blogger deafdisco said...

thanks, but no thanks, treblekicker.

i'm guessing that a basic search on blogger picked up the reference, and automatically posted a comment to my blog. if you were a real person and had bothered to read the post, you'd have seen that i was slagging the show off.

as far as putting my face in a code 9 video clip goes: i am neither under 30 nor good-looking, so i have sort of ruled myself out there...


At 5:37 pm, Blogger Paperback Tourist said...

Ha ha!
If it's clunky dialogue you're after, try 'Bonekickers', the BBC's shiny new detective-thriller series about sexy archeologists. 'Time Team' without all the uglies. The dialogue has all the poetry of a biscuit tin falling down a huge metal staircase. And most of it is delivered in a LOUD voice.

At 1:09 pm, Blogger deafdisco said...

J saw the first episode of Bonekickers. He was still laughing about it a couple of weeks later. Rosemary and Thyme is his number one show, so things have to be really shonky to impress him.

I can't blame BBC3 for trying Code 9. Perhaps they are trying to make up for that slo-mo car crash that was the chat show with Lily Allen?


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